The info in the blog was all about a pending agreement with Rupavahini. It was just a buissness decision taken by Muhuanthans and Dialog Management None of the bloggers knew of the takeover by Dialog until it happened. Hi Just my two or three bits on this topic while CBNSAT subscribers got information from here and there and posted it on the CBNSAT blog i dont think it had even 1% effect in getting it back on air. May be subsribers are starting to participate after all. By the way have you realised that this is the first time a LBN blog post has included so many comments. By the looks of it a subscriber unit should be formed not to aggitate the authorities but the management of LBN. You can compare the two help desks for a start. CBN had a more honest approach to their customers while LBNs approach is a total mistery and open to speculation. The problem is the different styles of management in the organisations. This blog is more intent on just letting your frustration out (which was also the case with CBN blog initially) while some within it took a more active role. In the same way The two blogs too seem to be different. So there is not much of a competition between the two. LBN was more multi lingual while CBN was concentrating on english language premium channels(Things are changing now though). CBN sat and LBN cater to two different market segments.